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Volunteer with Us

Join the Team

We have a variety of opportunities for you to volunteer with For the Children - mostly centered around our Royal Family Kids Camp and our Royal Family Kids Mentoring Club, and Starfish Walk. Find which opportunity works best for you!

Camp Applications

Camp Applications



We use background
checks to keep
our Children safe.


Camp Positions

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Camp Counselor

When one counselor says yes, two kids start packing for camp! Each counselor is responsible for one or two campers and participates in activities with them throughout the week.  As a counselor, you are doing life with other counselors and their campers that are assigned to your cabin.


As a cabin, you move through camp as a family
unit doing all the fun activities, participating in special events, and helping to showcase your cabin’s hidden talents at the RFK talent show. Before camp, all staff are required to attend training to prepare for a successful camp experience.


How do I enroll my child in RFK KIDS Camp?

Club Positions

Club Applications
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Club Director

Through positive and Biblical role modeling, the director provides support and training for mentors encouraging and equipping them to be effective leaders. The director, in an attitude of grace and humility, provides guidance and support to the Activities Coordinator, Bible Teacher, Foods Coordinator, Worship Leader and After-Club Coordinator to ensure that Club runs smoothly.
The director strives to ensure a team like atmosphere that fosters personal growth in all that attend Club. This may involve interceding with mentor-caregiver, mentor-mentor and mentor-child relationships to encourage open communication between the parties involved. In addition to record keeping this position of service requires the prayerfully pairing of mentor and child. This position requires training. 

Club Applications

Club Staff

Background Check

We use background checks to
keep our Children safe.

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How do I enroll my child in RFK KIDS Club?

How do I enroll my child in RFK KIDS Club?

Serving Behind
The Scenes

Do you have a few hours to spare? Please consider joining one of our Action Teams!  These teams work throughout the year planning, shopping, organizing, fundraising and helping in a variety of ways to prepare for camp.  

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Thank You...

for helping the neglected, abused, and abandoned children of Milwaukee County enjoy a week of unconditional love and acceptance. Your gift of time, talent, or money can help change the lives of these hurting children. No donation of time or financial support is too small to make a big difference!

Looking for TRAC?

Providing hope to at-risk youth ages 12-15

Every year, abused teens are put into the foster care system or worse- end up on the streets as part of our homeless population. 


At T.R.A.C. and we provide hope through camping and mentoring programs designed especially for these youth. 


Please take a look around to see how you can help. 

©2024 For the Children Milwaukee
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